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Titles are the means of identification by School and Level that Wizard 101 uses. Titles have two
This is a Stub; please help us to expand it by providing health values for levels 70-90 - these MUST be experienced, not guessed at, guessing is proven to not work.
Walkthrough - Wizard City lvl1 to lvl 5 Walkthrough for Wizard 101 PC: Welcome to the game!! If you are reading this you should have a character at least lvl 5 or below.
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This page contains Wizard 101 cheats list for PC version. Now we have 70 cheats in our list, which includes 32 cheats codes, 3 unlockables, 1 easter egg, 13 glitches
WotC, Wizards of the Coast community Dagger 101 - a Rogue concept - Others call it a knife - you call it an art.
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